Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking Ahead: Twelve for '12

I've never really been big on New Year's resolutions. First of all, the word resolute is too final for my taste. This year though, I've decided to instate some goals for the new year. I've thought about these a lot and I think all of them are attainable. Putting them in writing, for all to see, will make me take them even more seriously! I'll use this blog to keep you updated on the progress of each one as well, so that'll give me more to write about. Without further ado...

1.Finish reading the Bible all the way through- I read about four month's worth last year, and want to read the rest in 2012.
2. Complete "The Utmost for His Highest" devotional (with Jamie)

3. Obtain a full-time teaching position for the 2012-2013 school year
4. Create a teaching website- I'd like to use it to help other teachers find resources and share things I've created for use in my classroom
5. Read an hour's worth from professional material each week

6. Exercise at least 3 times a week
7. Use USDA's MyPlate feature to make healthier eating choices- I've already started this somewhat on my own, doing little things like switching out white bread and pasta, for wheat and whole grains

8. Write at least two entries a week
9. Start regular features- some examples I've seen are "The Friday Five," "Five Song Friday," or "What I'm Loving Wednesday"

10. Stick to a $50 weekly grocery budget
11. Rewatch the entire series of "Lost" (with Jamie)
12. Find a way to use my vocal talents- my current sights are set on our church's new choir for the modern worship service

Did you set any goals for 2012?

1 comment:

  1. Tiff we are thinking on the exact same page! I jut posted on my "lazy" blog about on of my 2012 "goals" ... Now I new to do like you and make some goals for areas other than finess/food!
