Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Four

What I Watched: I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the finale of The Voice. HOW IN THE WORLD DID JERMAINE PAUL WIN THAT?!! I have nothing against him, as he is a good singer, but how he beat Juliet and Tony, I will never know. Out of the top 4, I feel that he will have the least success from here. Speaking of Tony, the vendetta that Christina Aguilera has against him is insane. I used to looooooove Xtina, from day one, through her 'dirrty' days and beyond. However, over the course of this season, I have increasingly lost respect for her. She clearly had it out for Tony, as was unnecessarily brutal. This may be a reason why: I'm just sayin' (click it)  So, for your enjoyment, here is Tony's blind audition.
Oh, and I also watched the movie Gran Torino this week and was very disappointed. Don't understand the hype! Horrible ending.

What I Read: I finally finished Jane Eyre yesterday! Onto other books after three months :-)

What I Listened to: I know this CD is at least a year old, but I'm really digging Selena Gomez and the Scene's When the Sun Goes Down. It's a good pop record without all the trash/electronic/auto-tune mess that is so popular these days. I am also still more than slightly obsessed with Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." I found out yesterday that she is opening for Hanson on tour, so she just shot way up in my book :-)  Also, she is only a few months younger than me, but has that (mis)fortune of looking way younger than that. Check her out:

What I Ate: Only ate at Moe's this week after church. Hopefully will eat out more this weekend, as we have lots to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about the voice finale. Thomas and I both ranked the 4 finalist on how we thought they would place before it was announced and we both had Jermaine in 4th place!!! He was good but sang the cheesiest songs. And I partly watch solely to hate on Christina bc she is nas-Tay!

    But I did like Gran Turino.
